Saturday, December 6, 2008

Laundry supplies

I have now done 2 loads of laundry. The towels aren't as soft as I used to but not bad! I made my fabric softener out of vinegar, baking soda and water. I was kinda worried that my clothes would smell like vinegar. I was really amazed that the baking soda got rid of most of vinegar smell. Once the clothes came out of the wash, no smell at all. Nothing, Nada!! I happen to like the "fabric softener" smell so I bought some essential oil from Hobby Lobby (Ocean breeze) and hope it works. The next load will tell.

Oh yeah, I got the recipes from the Internet.


Kim said...

I"ve been making my own laudry soap since summer. I love it. I've tried different things for the dryer and not come up w/ anything i just love yet. I use vinegar w/ the wash sometimes too.
I haven't told my mom, she thinks I"m weird enough as it is! ha

Mary Ann said...

For the dryer I mixed 2 parts water and 1 part store bought fabric softener. Cut 2 sponges in half and leave them in the fabric softener. When I put clothes in the dryer I squeeze out the extra and throw it in like a dryer sheet. I also read where you can keep a ball of aluminum foil in the dryer to help with the static also. So far so good. Mom and Bobye both want to try it too.
I didn't know you could even do such things until I read your blog and did some research and so I tried it. Thanks to you!!!

Kim said...

I tried soaking an old washcloth in straight fabric softener and letting it dry out. Then throwing it in like a sheet. I didn't do much. Then I tried a mixture of water and hair conditioner in spray bottle and spraying the wet clothes before drying them. Can't tell too much w/ it either.
Now see, I'm good for something!

The band SHADES said...

Okay, Mary Ann made some and brought it over to me and i tried it. I like it okay but can't stand the smell! So, I'm going to try using maybe dove soap instead of Ivory or Fels or Zotes. When I get around to it that is and I'll let you know.